Wednesday, September 26, 2007

one for the road

What a lucky mum to have all these gorgeous boys in her life... thanks to her for being so patient.. nearly finished!

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Last Bookings!

Believe it or not Christmas is coming and I only have three spots left for shoots that will have images ready in time for Christmas. These dates fall on the 27th of October, 3rd of November and 10th of November so if you want to take one of these please be quick to book.

I will continue to shoot newborns as needed over the holiday period but only for those that let me know they are expecting beforehand. I have my own Christmas baby so I understand how hard it is to get things done around Christmas and its not fair that being born at Christmas means you don't get newborn photos but please just prewarn me that you are due. Regular sessions will recommence in February.

For now I am taking the first week of the school holidays off to be with my family. Contact will only be available during this time via email and even then I might be a bit slower than normal getting back to you. I will return to work on October the 8th.

I leave you with this one ...
p.s. happy birthday to her mummy!

Saturday, September 22, 2007


Thankyou to the kindy mums for the kind comments on the kids photos, congratulations to Elley's family who will be receiving a complimentary sitting and 8x10 print for being the first to respond. Please call or email me in the next two weeks to set up a time :)

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Hop Skip Jump

Ok so this is not always going to be about photos... I like to pass on cool finds as well.

I discovered this cool little toy maker a while ago with the most irresistable hand made stuff. She released some monkeys for sale over at Etsy today which were just adorable. I so wanted one, like REALLY wanted one but figured an adult doesn't really need to spend $80 on a stuffed monkey for themselves do they?? They sold out in about 2.2 seconds, literally, so I missed out. Perhaps a good thing.

How cute is that?!?

busy weekend

This weekend I was run off my feet after a little baby boom in town which left me trying to squeeze a couple of newborns into an already booked out weekend. I was left a little worse for wear so am now running behind with my proofing - I am sick and my kids are sick so there is not much joy going around my household at the moment.
Thankfully I get to look at these sweet little faces for the next few days as I get caught up to speed. This little chubster was the first babe off the ranks Saturday morning and did a great job keeping her gorgeous mum and me busy for a few hours!

Monday, September 17, 2007

Kindy Photos

A few weeks ago I had the pleasure of spending three days photographing a bunch of three and four year olds at the local pre kindy. Three is a wonderful age for having photos the kids are so easy to interact with and get natural expressions from.

I just received the majority of the photos in the mail today so they are almost ready for delivery. As a special offer for these wonderful kindy kids the first parent to comment on this post will receive a complimentary photographic session and 8x10 print valued at $155. I am also offering one half price sitting fee for one family from each kindy session that books before the end of September. Thanks for the fun kids!

Monday, September 10, 2007

Growing up

Speaking of babies that are growing up, this is the teeny baby showcased on my business card! She recently became a big sister so I got to revisit with her family and photograph this little angel again.

First time we met...

and the big girl today...

Sunday, September 9, 2007

Terrible Twos!

Today I met these two little 'blossoms' at their place for a few photos. Gorgeous little R is two and didn't really want anything to do with me... his poor mum was sad that he didn't want his photos taken..

I hope this makes her afternoon a bit brighter.

His little sister of course being the ideal 8 month old age was a little angel who was more than happy to perform for me.

Saturday, September 8, 2007

Baby turns one...

My MOST favourite thing as a photographer is being invited back to photograph a child or baby that I have already met before. It is especially beautiful to see how those little scrunched up newborns turn into toddlers with personalities all of their own.

Starting out with a beauty from this week... this little one is quite special to me and has just recently turned ONE!

One year ago...

and as she is today at home with her beautiful mum..

Bloggin Baby!

Yes I know what self respecting photographer does NOT have a blog these days? Well apparently that would be me, so here we are. I have been promising to update the site for well... close on two years now. Seeing this here is so much easier to update perhaps you will see more frequent new images by logging on here. Well in saying that I am a notorious overblogger so I will try and restrain somewhat.

I thought this would be a nice place to put up client 'sneak peeks' as well as giving would be clients a little insight into my work and the how and why of what I do.

Oh and my mum is the ultimate gramma nazi so I make every effort to upset her with my poor use of punctuation and context so try to overlook and read between the lines :)